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Love for music, not for the money
I have been making music since he was a child. When I was 12, I discovered FL Studio and composed music mainly using this software. Initially, I had no money to buy the software, so I sat up all night to finish writing before I shut down the program. I Could export a song but not save it. When I got older, my home studio expanded with complete software editions and many instrumental VSTs that helped me create music. I grew up learning to play piano, but I have also played acoustic guitar, bass guitar, and drums for some time. I won’t say I’m an expert in these instruments, but I know enough to bring them into my composing. I love using strings and pads in my projects. In the last couple of years, I have experienced more with vocals, and on top of my vocals, I sometimes blend in some AI vocals with the help of Audimee.
I don’t compose music for the money, and as long as one person likes my music, I am happy and continue doing what I love.

Software I use
As I learned I spent much time studying others and what they initially used to create their music. Here are some of what I use in my music.
Fl.Studio (composing software)
Native Instruments (VST Instruments)
Adobe Audition (Recording software)
Audimee and AutoTune for Vocals
Tell me why you love the music
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Tell me why you love the music
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Tell me why you love the music